6 Common New Music Producer Mistakes

6 Common New Music Producer Mistakes

This one is for the beginners. I was recently told not to forget about the little guys. So in response I wanted to give six tips that every new producer needs to follow. These tips are basic yet effective. If you’re a new producer and you’re not following or at least trying to apply these techniques into your workflow then you might want to reconsider what you’re doing. Some of them you may have not heard before and thats ok, I guarantee if you start applying these into your workflow your music production will improve vastly. 

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Loudness Deception – How Level Matching Can Help

Loudness Deception - How Level Matching Can Help

Let’s talk about loudness deception. If you didn’t know the human brain tricks you into thinking that something that is louder is actually better. It might not be so you need to be extremely careful. Level matching can help with this. By level matching two sources to one you can control the loudness deception that our brain is doing to us. Level matching is the only way to compare two audio sources and be able to accurately tell the differences. Prevent the deception from happening!

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What You Need to Know About Gain Staging

What You Need To Know About Gain Staging

This week we are going to discuss gain staging and why this is the most critical thing you need to pay attention to. I had a big discussion with one of my clients about this so I created this video. The tricky thing is gain staging applies literally everywhere, from recording, to mixing and mastering. I discuss and share examples of how you need to properly gain stage in your DAW and what you need to do before sending your tracks for mastering so your gain staging is proper. 

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Sound Choices Makeup Your Groove – Why Groove Is Important?

Sound Choices Makeup Your Groove - Why Groove Is Important_

This week I give you a more concept based topic on groove and how sound shaping and selections can dictate how your track is grooving. If you pay close attention to these things it can make or break a production. This is more of a concept based video and I share an experience I had with a friend to demonstrate. 

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Get Your Mix to Translate – 5 Reasons Why Volume is Important

Get Your Mix to Translate - 5 Reasons Why Volume is Important

Touching back on the subject of why volume is important I go into a bit more detail about how your monitoring levels can affect your perception. I had a comment on the previous video to share screen examples, although I cannot show you what I hear in my studio, I can share information on the equal loudness contour. Interested to learn more? 

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