Fix Your Kick and Bass Issues – The Kick Bass Relationship

 Ever have issues getting your kick and your bass to sit right? Find yourself spending countless hours trying to marry the two? In dance and electronic music getting this right is important. There are some great tactics you can use to get the two sounding perfect. In this video I explore some of those tactics and give you some tips and tricks to get the kick and the bass sitting well together in your mix. 

0:00 Start
00:46 Layer Masking
02:07 Carve Space
05:40 Add Transients
06:55 Bounce to Audio
08:13 Transient Designer
09:12 Kick Tweak


  1. Layer Masking- Layer masking can be a big problem on the low end.
  2. Carve Space – Carving space is one way to fix low-end issues.
  3. Add Transients – Adding transients is a way to help things cut threw the mix.
  4. Bounce to Audio – Bouncing to audio can help you visually spot problems.
  5. Transient Designer – A transient designer can help shape issues in the mix.
  6. Kick Tweak – This plug is a great plug-in that can help with your low end.

Thanks for watching this video on getting your kick and bass to sit right. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube HERE for weekly tips and tricks. All first-time clients receive a free stereo-mastered sample, inquire to get your free sample now.



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