High Pass Everything! – Are You Making This Common Producer Mistake?

As a kid I used to make this mistake all the time. Someone told me I should be doing this. As I got older I started to wonder why and stopped. I would occasionally still do it and still might if needed to this day, but only if needed.

If you understand how equalizers work then it begs the question about phase issues with high passing everything in your mix.

Years ago I stumbled upon another YouTube video by White Sea Studio that talks about the same thing and he couldn’t be so correct. I figured I’d put this to the test and see if today’s technology still has this issue. See my opinion and results in the video! 

0:00 Start
00:47 Introduction
01:19 White Sea Studio
02:14 Fabfilter Pro Q3
02:33 Examples


    1. Introduction- An introduction to this common myth.
    2. White Sea Studio – One of my favorite YouTube channels addressed this some time ago.
    3. Fabfilter Pro Q3 – I try to recreate the same phase issues.
    4. Examples – Here I give examples of how Pro Q3 differs from Pro Q2 but still give my opinions on the matter.

Thanks for watching this video on a common EQ myth to highpass everything. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube HERE for weekly tips and tricks. All first-time clients receive a free stereo-mastered sample, inquire to get your free sample now.



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