
Productive Producer – Music Production Workflow Tips

Want to learn how to be a more productive producer? I give 14 tips that discuss this exact topic. Learn how to be more efficient. Learn how to finish tracks fast. Learn how to be a better producer. I can’t give away all the secrets so make sure you check this video out!

0:00 Start
00:31 Set Aside Time to Produce
01:17 Create An Ideal Environment
02:03 Have a Studio Computer
02:54 Keep Sounds Organized
03:30 Set Up a Routine for Updates
04:12 Use Dual Screens
04:53 Take Breaks
05:47 Create Favorites
06:28 Favorite Presets
07:10 Save and Auto-Backup
07:46 Learn Shortcuts
08:09 Color Code and Name
08:34 Don’t Get Stuck
09:25 DAW Templates


  1. Set Aside Time to Produce – If you do not set aside time you will procrastinate.
  2. Create An Ideal Environment – Learn what an ideal studio environment might be and how it can help you be more productive.
  3. Have a Studio Computer – Having a dedicated computer has many advantages.
  4. Keep Sounds Organized – If you have a ton of sounds like me this is imperative.
  5. Set Up a Routine for Updates – Updates are among all of us so make sure you stay up to date.
  6. Use Dual Screens – Isn’t two monitors better than one?
  7. Take Breaks – This helps you rest, learn why taking breaks makes you more productive.
  8. Create Favorites – Don’t be slow, create favorites in the DAW.
  9. Favorite Presets – Favorite those presets too for speed.
  10. Save and Auto-Backup – You don’t want to get caught in a pickle.
  11. Learn Shortcuts – This helps me speed up my workflow tremendously.
  12. Color Code and Name – I stated this before and I’ll state this again, color code and name your tracks!
  13. Don’t Get Stuck – Don’t work on one track for a month, keep it moving.
  14. DAW Templates – DAW templates can save a little time that can add up to a lot over time.

Thanks for watching this video on how you can be a more productive producer. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube HERE for weekly tips and tricks. All first-time clients receive a free stereo-mastered sample, inquire to get your free sample now.



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