6 Creative Reverb Tricks YOU Need to Know | Part 2

We are back with part two of the series on six creative ways that you can use reverb in your music productions. This week I share tricks including the automated reverb, or automating a note or hit with reverb. Finally, we finish it off with the classic 80’s gated reverb trick. 

Automated Reverb
Another great way that you can use reverb is, you can automate the reverb. For example, I want it to gradually swell up as it goes on. You could also start it dry and automate some of the reverb parameters. Let’s say, you wanted to turn on the space or the decay time and you wanted to turn that up. This way you get that nice reverb build-up. Watch the video to see how you can use automated reverb to level up your music production.

Automated Reverb Up Note or Hit
You can also automate a drum hit or a hit or a tone in your music production. It’s really handy if you’re transitioning to a breakdown or you want to create some space and you drop the kick drum or drop some drums.

Gated Reverb
It is also known as the gated snare trick. It was made famous in the 80’s one of the most popular songs that made this famous was Phil Collins “In The Air” but a lot of 80’s songs use this. If you’re trying to go for that 80’s feel or that disco boogie feel, the gated snare or the gated reverb trick is a great way to accomplish that. Watch the complete video for a step-by-step tutorial.

Thanks for watching this video on creative reverb tricks. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube HERE for weekly tips and tricks. All first-time clients receive a free stereo-mastered sample, inquire to get your free sample now.



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