
Mix Bus Limiter: Stop Using It (NOW)

Are you a music producer that uses a limiter on your master bus? In this video, I will share why I personally don’t use a limiter on my master bus when producing music. People ask, should I put a limiter on my mix? Some say that this is very necessary. They call it top-down mixing. I used to do this myself when I was just a young producer. I was wrong. Putting a limiter on the master bus gives you the false impression that you’re listening to your music, while you’re producing it, as it may come out mastered or as it’s much louder. It can create changes in the music once you turn that limiter off that was unexpected.

Let’s discuss why you shouldn’t use a limiter on the master buss and why I take every song when I’m mastering, or every album and each track individually on a case-by-case basis and that’s how you should approach it too.

Thanks for watching this video on using a limiter on your master bus. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube for weekly tips and tricks. All first-time clients receive a free stereo-mastered sample, inquire to get your free sample now.



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