
Sidechain Kick and Bass – 5 Different Sidechain Tricks

In this video Freddie from Distinct Mastering goes over five different methods to sidechain your kick and bass. Sidechains are a common trick used in many genres and has lots of applications. Examples given of sidechaining your kick and bass include tools like compressors, shapers, multi-band compression, and more. He shows how using a combination of plug ins can provide positive and custom results.

0:00 Start
00:35 What Is Sidechaining?
01:13 Sidechain Overview
03:15 Compression
04:36 Shaper Tools
06:15 Multi-Band Compression
07:18 Trackspacer
08:01 Combinations


  1. What Is Sidechaining? – Sidechaining is a production technique that allows a trigger to trigger an effect on another track.
  2. Sidechain Overview – Explains what sidechaining is and gives an example.
  3. Compression – How to setup a sidechain on your kick and bass with a compressor.
  4. Shaper Tools – How to setup a sidechain on your kick and bass with shaper tools.
  5. Multi-Band Compression – How to setup a sidechain on your kick and bass with a multi-band compressor.
  6. Trackspacer – How to setup a sidechain with the Wavesfactory Trackspacer plug in.
  7. Combination – How to use a combination of plug ins to sidechain your kick and bass.

Thanks for watching this video on sidechaining your kick and bass. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube HERE for weekly tips and tricks. All first-time clients receive a free stereo-mastered sample, inquire to get your free sample now.



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