
How to Prepare a Mix for Mastering – Stem Mastering

In this video Freddie from Distinct Mastering shows you how to prepare a mix for mastering services – stem mastering.

0:00 Start
00:09 Track Preview
00:27 Provide Your Pre-Master (Final Mix)
02:13 Setup Your Stems
04:28 Export Stems and Send


  1. Export Your Pre-Master – Make sure you bounce out your pre-master or final mix so we have a reference of the whole track.
  2. Setup Your Stems – Plan out your stems and consolidate them into files.
  3. Export Your Stems – Export all of your stems into a folder, make sure you label that folder with your artist and song name.
  4. Send the Files – Once complete, zip everything up, leave us an inquiry and send that zip over to us and we can get started on your stereo master.

Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe on YouTube HERE for tips and tricks. All first-time clients receive a free stereo-mastered sample, inquire to get your free sample now.



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