Cymatics Lotus Plugin Overview

The team over at Cymatics was kind enough to send over their new plugin Lotus to me before it was released so I wanted to share it with you. It is a pitch shifter and delay unit and it is very unique. Since they were gracious enough to send it to me I wanted to do a video on it and share it with you. It’s a pretty wacky plugin and you can get some cool effects out of it. 

0:00 Start
00:55 Overview of Lotus
04:42 Lotus In Action


  1. Overview of Lotus – Brief overview of the controls on the Cymatics Lotus plugin
  2. Lotus In Action – Giving Lotus a test drive and share audio examples of the plugin.

Thanks for watching this video on Cymatics Lotus. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube HERE for weekly tips and tricks. All first-time clients receive a free stereo-mastered sample, inquire to get your free sample now.



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