In this video Freddie from Distinct Mastering goes over five different methods to sidechain your kick and bass. Sidechains are a common trick used in many genres and has lots of applications. Examples given of sidechaining your kick and bass include tools like compressors, shapers, multi-band compression, and more. He shows how using a combination of plug ins can provide positive and custom results.
In this video Freddie from Distinct Mastering goes over a trick to widen your claps with the Waves Doubler 2. Creating space and allowing things to sit in interesting ways gives the listener more emotion. In dance music sometimes claps can be used to enhance the width of your drums in a creative way.
In this video Freddie from Distinct Mastering discusses ways to improve your music production skills and gives top 9 tips for music producers. These tips are the backbone of music production and will help tremendously if you are getting started in your music production career.
Today we discuss the topic of mastering. Freddie from Distinct Mastering goes in depth about what mastering is, what mastering is not, and why mastering is important for your music. Don’t get left behind while other tracks sound louder and more polished.
Ever ask yourself, “Why Does My Mix Suck?” In this video Freddie from Distinct Mastering gives seven top mixing tips for music production. These tips are given from a “birds-eye-view” of the music production process. If you find yourself in need of some quick tips to note while trying to improve your mixing skills then make sure you check this video out. You may be incorporating some of these into your workflow but there might be a few tips you we’re not aware of!
In this video Freddie from Distinct Mastering explains what bit depths and sample rates are and why they matter in your recordings. Understanding sample rate and bit depth is a crucial step in the music production process. Some of our clients do not know the differences or sometimes send us files that vary in sample rates, causing problems with importing the files into another session.
You don’t want to get caught in this mess so make sure you check this video out if you need an understanding on the subject. This is part one of a two part series and we hope you enjoy learning about bit depths and sample rates.
In this video Freddie from Distinct Mastering discusses dynamics in electronic music and why dynamics are important. This is part of a two part video series about dynamics so if you missed last weeks video on What Dynamics Mean In Music then be sure to check that out. The video shows an example of a song he mastered for a client that had a loud master. He explains why he provides another master for streaming platforms if his clients request a loud master. A small example is shown of what could be happening to your music if you’re supplying loud masters to streaming platforms. Don’t let all the punch and clarity of your recordings get lost. Make sure you understand how mastering can affect this important detail.
In this video, Freddie from Distinct Mastering explains what dynamics mean in music. He then shows examples of why dynamics are important. In today’s world where streaming platforms reign king, dynamics can affect how your music is affected by the loudness normalization. Streaming platforms use loudness normalization to control the end users’ volume. As a result, the volume of songs uploaded to the platform can get turned up or down depending on the target level the platform is trying to achieve. Mastering the dynamics of streaming platforms is important. For instance, it is very common for songs to lose all the punch and clarity by crushing the dynamics and supplying that file to streaming platforms. As a result, make sure you’re not one of the victims of the loudness normalization. This video goes over the basics of what you need to know about music dynamics and why they can be important to pay attention to.
In this video Freddie from Distinct Mastering show’s you how to avoid mistakes when hiring a mastering engineer and gives seven tips to help you avoid audio mastering scams. Mastering is not a one size fits all approach, every song or album must be given the proper care and attention to detail that it deserves.