
Universal Audio Empirical Labs Distressor Plugin Review

In this week’s video, we’re taking a closer look at the UAD Empirical Labs Distressor plugin, which might just be one of the most versatile compressors you can have in your arsenal. Originally designed by Empirical Labs, the Distressor is known for its ultra-fast attack, its unique distortion settings, and its easy-to-use interface. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced engineer, the UAD Distressor plugin makes it simple to dial in great compression, no matter what instrument or vocal track you’re working with.

In this post, I’ll walk you through how I use the Distressor on different elements of a mix, including claps, bass, and hi-hats, and why I think this plugin is an essential tool for any music producer.

Overview of the UAD Empirical Labs Distressor

The UAD Distressor plugin is a faithful digital recreation of the original hardware unit, offering all the same features and versatility. This compressor is famous for its ability to shape the dynamics of any sound, with an attack time as fast as 50 microseconds, making it one of the fastest compressors out there. It also features a variety of unique distortion modes, which can add warmth, grit, or bite to any sound.

The Distressor is widely regarded for its ability to compress in a transparent way, but it can also be pushed to produce aggressive, in-your-face effects. The default settings on the plugin are a great starting point for anyone unfamiliar with compression, and from there, you can experiment to find the best settings for your track.

Using the Distressor on Claps

In this project, I used the Distressor on the claps to give them more punch and presence in the mix. The fast attack of the Distressor allowed me to really tighten up the transients while maintaining the natural tone of the claps. I also dialed in a bit of the harmonic distortion to add warmth and grit, helping the claps cut through the mix without sounding harsh. It allowed the tail to be bigger, thicker, and cut through the mix. This is one of my favorite ways to use the Distressor—it can take something as simple as claps and make them sound bigger and more polished.

Applying the Distressor to Bass

Bass is another area where the Distressor shines. In this track, I used it to compress the bassline, adding consistency and punch while keeping the low end tight. The Distressor’s versatility is especially helpful here because you can dial in a transparent, smooth compression or push it harder to add some harmonic distortion and give the bass more character. I chose a middle-ground approach for this track, adding just enough compression to glue the bassline in with the rest of the mix while keeping its tone intact.

Distressing Hi-Hats for a Unique Sound

Hi-hats are a less common choice for heavy compression, but the Distressor can work wonders here too. In this example, I used the Distressor to add some subtle compression and distortion to the hi-hats, making them stand out more in the high-end of the mix. The compressor’s ability to handle fast transients is ideal for hi-hats, ensuring they remain crisp and clean, even with compression applied. The result is a tighter, more controlled high-end that sits perfectly in the mix.

More Applications for the Distressor

While I’ve demonstrated the Distressor on claps, bass, and hi-hats, this compressor is incredibly versatile and can be used on just about any element of your mix. Here are some additional ways you can use the UAD Empirical Labs Distressor:

Vocals: The Distressor is known for being great on vocals, adding clarity, punch, and a smooth, consistent dynamic range.
Drums: Use it on drum buses to add glue and consistency to your percussion, or push it harder for aggressive, punchy drum sounds.
Guitars: Add warmth and grit to guitars, or use the compressor to tame aggressive dynamics in high-gain guitar parts.

The UAD Empirical Labs Distressor is a must-have plugin for anyone serious about music production. Its versatility and ease of use make it a powerful tool for both beginners and pros, and its ability to handle everything from subtle compression to aggressive distortion ensures it can be used in virtually any scenario.

If you’re looking for a compressor that can do it all—whether you’re working with vocals, drums, bass, or anything else—the Distressor should definitely be on your radar. Be sure to experiment with its settings to find the perfect sound for your project, and don’t be afraid to push it to its limits!

Got any questions about the Distressor or want to share your own tips? Drop a comment below, and don’t forget to subscribe for more music production insights!