
Overcoming Resistance as a Music Producer: Lessons from The War of Art

In this week’s blog post, we’re diving into a topic that every music producer can relate to – Resistance. Inspired by Steven Pressfield’s iconic book, The War of Art, I’ll be discussing how resistance affects creativity, especially for music producers, and what we can do to overcome it.

If you’ve ever struggled with creative block, procrastination, or fear of releasing your music, this post is for you. Resistance is the invisible force that holds us back from reaching our full potential, and today, we’re going to talk about how to identify and conquer it.

What is Resistance?

Resistance is that inner voice that keeps you from doing the work. It shows up in sneaky ways, like procrastination, perfectionism, and fear of failure. As music producers, resistance can stop us from finishing tracks, releasing music, or even starting a project. It convinces us that we’re not ready, not good enough, or that it’s not the right time to work on music.

According to Pressfield, resistance is always there, and it never truly goes away. But once you understand what it is and how it works, you can learn to push past it.

How Resistance Affects Music Producers

For music producers, resistance often appears when we’re trying to:

  • Start a new track: You might feel the urge to check social media instead of sitting down at your DAW.
  • Finish a project: You keep tweaking the mix or adding new elements, convinced that it’s not ready yet.
  • Release music: You worry about how your track will be received, and fear of judgment stops you from putting your work out there.

Resistance can be especially strong when we’re on the verge of a breakthrough. That’s when it’s most important to recognize it and push through.

Personal Experience with Resistance

I’ve faced resistance many times in my own journey. There were moments when I made excuses not to work on music, thinking I wasn’t inspired or in the right mood. But looking back, I realized those were just forms of resistance. The more I gave in to it, the harder it became to break free.

The key lesson I learned is that you don’t wait for inspiration—you create it. The longer you let resistance control your actions, the harder it gets to get back into the flow of creation.

How to Overcome Resistance

In The War of Art, Pressfield talks about “turning pro.” For music producers, this means treating your craft like a job. You show up every day, no matter what. You don’t wait for the perfect mood or the right inspiration; you put in the work, even when it’s difficult.

Here are a few strategies you can use to overcome resistance:

  • Set a Schedule: Treat your studio time like a job. Set dedicated hours for working on music and stick to them.
  • Start Small: If sitting down to finish a whole track feels overwhelming, break it into smaller tasks. Just work on the kick drum or melody—anything to get started.
  • Embrace Imperfection: Perfectionism is just another form of resistance. No track will ever be 100% perfect, so aim for 90% and move on. You’ll learn more by finishing tracks than endlessly tweaking them.
  • Release Your Work: Don’t be afraid to release your music, even if it’s not perfect. Every release is a step forward, and the feedback will help you grow.

Resistance is something every music producer faces, but it doesn’t have to stop you. The most successful producers aren’t the ones who never feel resistance—they’re the ones who push through it and show up every day to do the work.

I highly recommend reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. It’s not just a book for artists—it’s a guide to overcoming the mental and emotional barriers that hold us back from reaching our full potential.

If you’re dealing with resistance right now, I’d love to hear about it. Leave a comment below and let’s talk about how we can support each other in overcoming it. And don’t forget to subscribe for more music production insights and mindset tips!

If this post resonated with you, share it with another producer who might be struggling with resistance. Let’s conquer our creative blocks together and keep pushing forward.