Isolate Vocals Using Izotope RX8 and RX7

In part two of our series on creating acapella’s we show you how to use Izotope’s RX7 and RX8’s music rebalancing tool to craft an acapella out of a song. It works pretty good most of the time, and there’s a fair chance you’ll get a usable acapella by using this method!

Before the only method to isolate vocals was by using phase cancellation. This used to never be possible and with today’s technology it use, so why not take advantage of it. If you’re looking for a tool to isolate vocals from any song then look no further.

0:00 Start
00:39 Introduction to Izotope RX
01:00 Izotope RX7
01:58 Izotope RX8
02:14 How to Isolate Vocals Using Iztope RX


    1. How You Can Isolate Vocals Using Izotope’s RX  and RX8
    2. Using RX7 to isolate vocals from a song
    3. Using RX8 to isolate vocals from a song

Thanks for watching this video on creating acapella with Izotope Rx7 and Rx8. Make sure to subscribe on YouTube HERE for weekly tips and tricks. All first-time clients receive a free stereo-mastered sample, inquire to get your free sample now.



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