
Why Does My Mix Suck?

Ever ask yourself, “Why Does My Mix Suck?” In this video Freddie from Distinct Mastering gives seven top mixing tips for music production. These tips are given from a “birds-eye-view” of the music production process.  If you find yourself in need of some quick tips to note while trying to improve your mixing skills then make sure you check this video out.  You may be incorporating some of these into your workflow but there might be a few tips you we’re not aware of!

0:00​ Start
00:34​ Use Quality Sounds
00:54​ Don’t Fix It In the Mix
01:34​ Know Your Tools
02:01​ Understand Compression
02:37​ Bad Room Acoustics
02:55​ Arrangement Is Important
03:20​ Focus On the Details
03:42​ Outro


  1. Use Quality Sounds – The choice of sound selection is imperative to the final output of the sound. Although things can be EQ’ed and altered, having a good sound source from the get go makes it much easier to mix. Remember this…It’s easy to take away but hard to add something that is not there.
  2. Don’t Fix It In the Mix – This goes without saying if you have a problem, make sure you take care of it before recording. That includes if a sound is thin or lacking, make sure you get layers in place to compensate instead of trying to add that with effects later in your mix.
  3. Know Your Tools – Make sure you know what your tools are doing. It helps to have a solid understanding of music production and the tools that go along with it.
  4. Understand Compression – If you do not understand compression you could be doing more harm than good.
  5. Bad Room Acoustics – Your room could be lying to you!
    Arrangement Is Important – Less Is More, sometimes taking away can benefit more than adding.
  6. Focus On the Details – Can’t stress this enough.

Thanks for watching this video and hopefully it helps you navigate around the common saying “Why Does My Mix Suck?” Make sure to subscribe on YouTube HERE for weekly tips and tricks. All first-time clients receive a free stereo-mastered sample, click below to claim yours.


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