Pro Tools vs Ableton. Yes, I use both. People often ask me why I still use Pro Tools and in all honesty program is different. Each one has its pros and cons, and each program operates fundamentally differently. In this video, I share some features that I like about each one. If you want to learn why I use both and what I use them for then this video is for you.
My 6 Tips To Make Synth Presets Sound Better
Did you know that a lot of synth presets are meant to sound good by themselves? Are you a beginner at synthesis and not able to craft sounds from simple oscillator tones? That’s ok, a lot of producers use presets! Presets can save you time and get you close but there’s something that some producers overlook and that’s to get the preset to fit into the production. Today I share tips tips to help you take a look at presets from a different perspective. You might find the near-perfect sound but it needs a bit of altering! Here are six things to always check. Continue reading “My 6 Tips To Make Synth Presets Sound Better”
How To Make Radio Edits for Spotify
Looking for an easy way to make radio edits for Spotify and cut downs of your songs after you’ve produced them? I was explaining this to a friend recently and I have a short cut for you. I used to do this the hard way and make a whole other session but if I needed to go back and make changes then I was having to either redo my work or do the work in both sessions (or as many sessions as I had!). Look at this easy tip to speed you up! Continue reading “How To Make Radio Edits for Spotify”
Cymatics Lotus Plugin Overview
The team over at Cymatics was kind enough to send over their new plugin Lotus to me before it was released so I wanted to share it with you. It is a pitch shifter and delay unit and it is very unique. Since they were gracious enough to send it to me I wanted to do a video on it and share it with you. It’s a pretty wacky plugin and you can get some cool effects out of it. Continue reading “Cymatics Lotus Plugin Overview”
What Is Bounce Boss – Bounce Boss Review
Some of my clients are getting a bit confused at my new upload form on my website. I’m now using an application called Bounce Boss, and its great because it is an intelligent audio collaboration tool, plus it gives everyone the ability to upload different versions like stems, references, final mixes and masters. We can comment and go back and forth about files. I made this video this week to go over how to use it and upload your files to me for mixing and mastering projects.
6 Common New Music Producer Mistakes
This one is for the beginners. I was recently told not to forget about the little guys. So in response I wanted to give six tips that every new producer needs to follow. These tips are basic yet effective. If you’re a new producer and you’re not following or at least trying to apply these techniques into your workflow then you might want to reconsider what you’re doing. Some of them you may have not heard before and thats ok, I guarantee if you start applying these into your workflow your music production will improve vastly.
Loudness Deception – How Level Matching Can Help
Let’s talk about loudness deception. If you didn’t know the human brain tricks you into thinking that something that is louder is actually better. It might not be so you need to be extremely careful. Level matching can help with this. By level matching two sources to one you can control the loudness deception that our brain is doing to us. Level matching is the only way to compare two audio sources and be able to accurately tell the differences. Prevent the deception from happening!
Continue reading “Loudness Deception – How Level Matching Can Help”
How To Chop Drums In Ableton
Drum loops are great for adding texture and background but if you use full loops your limited in what you can actually do in the mixing stage with panning, volume, EQ, effect sends and more. Today I share how I use Ableton’s clip automation to slice up loops and give me more control in the mixing stage.
Singomakers Kick Tweak – Kick Drum Plugin
This week I’m going to share a new favorite plug in of my called Kick Tweak by Singomakers. It’s basically a kick drum enhancer, but it can do much more. I’m not typically a fan of the “one knob” style plug-ins and although this isn’t quite a one knob unit, it’s limiting features pack a punch.
Continue reading “Singomakers Kick Tweak – Kick Drum Plugin”
Pro Tools Meters Explained
Following up from our video on gain staging last week I discuss the various types of Pro Tools meters available. One client of mine did not know that you can switch these meter types and it can be handy if you’re used to working in the older style or need to change for various reasons.