How To Make Your Samples Sound Better – Enhancing Your Vinyl Samples – Part 2

Enhance Vinyl Samples - Part 2

Part 2 in our series on making your vinyl samples better we get more in-depth about tricks you can use. Starting off with basic EQ you can do a whole lot to a sample. EQ is one of the main tools. I get into using Restoriation Tools as well, which can also be a handy tactic if you are looking to try to do some cleanup. I share ways you can do this as well as give examples.

Lastly, I discuss how saturation can help with samples. Stay tuned next week for part 3.

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How To Make Your Samples Sound Better – Enhancing Your Vinyl Samples – Part 1

Enhance Vinyl Samples

Requested by a client of mine, I go in-depth about how to make your samples sound better and enhance vinyl samples for your music productions. Are you sampling records? This might help you make those samples a bit better. You can even use these tricks for sample packs and loops you may purchase or download from sites like Splice, Loopmaster, and more.

This is part one in a three-part series that discusses ways to get the vinyl clean, how you can use gain staging to your advantage, and how you can look at panning to isolate elements.

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What Is An Auxiliary Send – How To Use FX Send On Mixer

Using Aux Sends?

Are you familiar with auxiliary send and returns? If you’re from the old-school analog mixing console days you will be. If not you might want to learn how these can benefit you. I see a lot of producers just throwing effects directly on their track and controlling things with the dry / wet knob. That’s fine and can work but you could be missing out on some key tricks that you can do with auxiliary send and returns. 

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Get My Tracks Wider – Widen My Mix

Get Wider Tracks

Wondering how you can get your tracks wider? Today I’m going to share a bunch of different methods to get your tracks wide in your mix. I also discuss what you need to be looking out for when using some of these plug-ins and tricks so you don’t lose information when summing to mono. If you need some more ideas on getting wider tracks in your mixing then this video is for you. 

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How to Duplicate A Track on Pro Tools – Don’t Make the Duplicate Panning Mistake

Do You Duplicate Tracks?

Are you one of those producers who actually duplicates a track pans one to the left and then another to the right? If you are, let me guess, someone told you this saved you time while recording? Maybe you thought it was a good way to double up a sample?  Stop that today because you could be doing more harm than good. I share the reason why this method is going to be problematic for your mix, and how doing it the right way will always end up with a better result. 

Continue reading “How to Duplicate A Track on Pro Tools – Don’t Make the Duplicate Panning Mistake”

How To Properly Balance Your Mix

How To Properly Balance Your Mix

Having issues getting a balanced mix? I discuss ways to go about making sure you have the best change at getting a balanced mix. Then we discuss mixing concepts to help you get there. Lastly I share what you should be looking for when it comes to using a Spectrum Analyzer. I get a lot of clients sending me tracks that look a certain way. Although I always suggest to use your ears, looking at a spectrum analyzer can give you a different perspective and may help you out. 

Want to learn all the tricks, then check out the video!

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My Podcast Isn’t Loud Enough? – Fix Podcast Volume Problems

My Podcast Isn't Loud Enough_ - Fix Podcast Volume Problems

Are you a DJ with a podcast doing mixes? Having issues getting the volume on your podcast to compete with others? You could be getting penalized and turned down by the loudness normalization on streaming platforms! But there is something you need to consider if you’re doing a DJ mix and that is the overall average volume of the mix. Want to learn more, then check this video out. I discuss some tips on getting your podcast louder and properly submitted so you do not get volume penalties.  

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High Pass Everything! – Are You Making This Common Producer Mistake?

High Pass Everything! - Are You Making This Common Producer Mistake?

As a kid I used to make this mistake all the time. Someone told me I should be doing this. As I got older I started to wonder why and stopped. I would occasionally still do it and still might if needed to this day, but only if needed.

If you understand how equalizers work then it begs the question about phase issues with high passing everything in your mix.

Years ago I stumbled upon another YouTube video by White Sea Studio that talks about the same thing and he couldn’t be so correct. I figured I’d put this to the test and see if today’s technology still has this issue. See my opinion and results in the video! 

Continue reading “High Pass Everything! – Are You Making This Common Producer Mistake?”

Fix Your Kick and Bass Issues – The Kick Bass Relationship

Fix Your Kick and Bass Issues - Kick Bass Relationship

 Ever have issues getting your kick and your bass to sit right? Find yourself spending countless hours trying to marry the two? In dance and electronic music getting this right is important. There are some great tactics you can use to get the two sounding perfect. In this video I explore some of those tactics and give you some tips and tricks to get the kick and the bass sitting well together in your mix. 

Continue reading “Fix Your Kick and Bass Issues – The Kick Bass Relationship”